
YourVaccx™* is a breakthrough therapy for metastatic solid tumor cancers that empowers the immune system to attack metastatic cancer throughout the body.


The YourVaccx therapy empowers the patient’s immune system to create a personal in-situ autologous vaccine that attacks cancer throughout the entire body. The following illustration depicts an overview of the steps involved in the therapy:
A segment of a tumor undergoes controlled cellular lysis, liberating tumor antigens and other molecules that serve to activate the immune system.
A proprietary immunotherapy drug is locally injected that provides both a checkpoint blockade and immune stimulation.

This combination approach
empowers the immune system to create an in situ autologous
vaccine that drives an abscopal effect that attacks the metastatic cancer throughout the body.

Gary Onik, M.D.

Inventor, Physician & Patient

Revolutionary Approach to Empowering the Immune System

YourVaccx™* is a breakthrough therapy for metastatic solid tumor cancers that empowers the immune system to attack metastatic cancer throughout the body.